Upcoming Events

Upcoming Events at Desert Springs Church

Looking for something to do with other believers? Check out our weekly activities at Desert Springs Church! To gain the maximum benefit of your home church, it is important that you deepen your connection with others by getting more involved. How you ask? Try participating in one or more of these upcoming events or activities.

Types of Special Events

In addition to our normal weekly worship services and Bible studies, we have a variety of upcoming special events for all ages including:

  • Christian plays
  • New film outings
  • Musical concerts
  • Luncheons

All of our church events focus on helping people to Know, Grow, and Go with Jesus. We hope to see you soon at one of our church special events or weekly activities and know you will enjoy the fellowship available at Desert Springs Church!

Tim and The Glory Boys concert at Desert Springs Church - a benefit of membership
Volunteers appreciation dinner grows membership

Upcoming Events at Desert Springs Church

Can’t make any of the times for group studies and want to study on your own? Perhaps you want to start your own study group. RightNow Media is a great solution. Just SIGN UP and have **FREE** access to thousands of topics by the top Christian ministries. It is FREE for the Desert Springs Church Family & Friends.

RightNow** MEDIA** is like the Netflix of Christian Bible studies. With access to 20,000+ Bible Study videos, from 150 leading Christian publishers and ministries, you’ll find valuable tools for your neighborhood groups, personal development, and areas of life training like marriage and parenting.

It is FREE & Easy for the Desert Springs Church Family & Friends… **SIGN UP NOW! **by (1) Clicking on the link below, (2) Scan the QR Code or (3) Text code: DESERTSPRINGS to 49775.

Special Events

Special Event
Special Event
Special Event

Weekly Activities

Weekly Activity


Weekly Activity
Weekly Activity
Weekly Activity
Weekly Activity
Desert Springs Church, The Loft

NEXT Young Adult Ministry

Weekly Activity
Weekly Activity
Weekly Activity
Desert Spring Church, Suite 1

Revelation – End Times Bible Study

Weekly Activity
Desert Spring Church, Suite 1

GriefShare Winter Season

Weekly Activity
Weekly Activity