Discover Your S.H.A.P.E. for Ministry Workshop

This 90-minute workshop is designed to help believers discover, grow, and engage their spiritual gifts. As we embark on this journey to understand more about how God has uniquely structured each of us for ministry, we hope that you will find a place of service here at Desert Springs Church that perfectly aligns with the way God has crafted you. Your S.H.A.P.E. — which stands for Spiritual Gifts, Heart, Abilities, Personality, and Experience — determines your ministry. Our prayer is that through this course, you will gain a deeper understanding of how you are uniquely fashioned for ministry.
Understanding SHAPE:
–Spiritual Gifts: These are the special abilities given by the Holy Spirit to every believer for the purpose of building up the body of Christ.
–Heart: Your passions and interests reveal the area of ministry where you can make the greatest impact.
–Abilities: These are the talents and skills you have developed over time.
–Personality: Your unique personality traits affect how and where you best serve.
–Experience: Your background and life experiences shape your perspective and prepare you for specific kinds of ministry.
Key Principles of SHAPE:
1. Every Believer is Gifted: Ministry is not reserved for a select few with seminary degrees. Every member of the body of Christ has received at least one spiritual gift.
2. Discover and Confirm: This workshop is an exciting journey of revelation and confirmation of how God wants to use you for ministry.
3. Engage and Serve: Our goal is for you to find a fulfilling place to exercise your gifts in the community and at Desert Springs Church. If you find no immediate fit, create opportunities for service where your gifts can flourish.
Facilitated by Pastor Jim
To register for the workshop, email your name & contact number to [email protected] or contact Pastor Jim at 760-568-3646.