Welcome to the Family Luncheon

Good Friday Communion Service

Easter Sunrise Service

Children’s Easter Interactive Experience

Your child will use their five senses to experience the events leading up to Easter morning: share the last supper and experience the garden of Gethsemane, see Jesus and the thieves on the cross, enter the tomb, smell the burial spices, and celebrate with the angels – He Is Risen! Join us at 9:30 and […]
Valentine’s Parent’s Night Out

Has it been awhile since the two of you had a quiet romantic dinner? We have the perfect solution… SHINE Kid’s and Families Ministry Valentine’s Parent’s Night Out! Just drop the kids (babies to 5th graders) by the Church on Friday, February 16th from 5:30-8:30pm at a cost of $7 per child. What’s included? – […]
GriefShare Loss of Spouse Seminar

Widowed? Help is here and hope is possible. Do you dread the lonely days and nights? Wonder what to do with your spouse’s belongings? Feel like your brain is in a fog? Unsure of how you’ll go on? The GriefShare ‘Loss of a Spouse’ seminar helps men & women grapple with the challenges of being widowed […]

Join us on Sunday, January 21st at 4PM. Bring your voice and joyful heart as we sing our favorite hymns. Join us for All-Church Hymn Sing sponsored by Desert Spring Church’s “The Class”. All our welcome! Marlys Prociw will accompany the choir on the Grand Piano. For more information, contact Pastor Jim, [email protected]
Family Luncheon at the Park

SHINE! Kids Ministries invites you to join us for a Family Luncheon at the Park. Reserve the date on Sunday, January 28th at the Palm Desert Civic Center Park at 12:30 pm. We will be at Pavilion 2 next to the toys. Bring your bicycle! For all families with babies through high schoolers. Hamburgers, hot dogs […]
Baptism Sunday

Baptism speaks primarily of a personal and public identification with Jesus Christ through: (1) Christ’s death, (2) burial and (3) resurrection. Through it, we confess publicly we now belong to Christ. It symbolizes our death with Christ and our resurrection by God as a new creation in Christ (Romans 6:3-4). If you have decided to […]
Equipped By Christ – Becoming a Discipler

Equipped By Christ: Becoming a Discipler Join us for our dynamic 1-day all church conference, “Equipped By Christ: Becoming a Discipler“, on Saturday, February 3rd. Learn how we can become a more effective Discipler for our Lord while we strengthen our relationship with Him. Special speakers will instruct and encourage us on the topic of […]