GriefShare “Loss of Spouse” Seminar

AWANA Kick Off Potluck

AWANA Kick Off Potluck Dinner, Wednesday, Sept. 18th at 6:00 pm. The whole family is invited to sign up, meet the team and find out what AWANA is all about. Come learn about choir and parent bible study too! Bring a salad or your favorite desert to share. Register your kids here. First night of […]
Shine! Kids & Family Luncheon

rightnow MEDIA

Description: Can’t make any of the times for group studies and want to study on your own? Perhaps you want to start your own study group. RightNow Media is a great solution. Just SIGN UP and have **FREE **access to thousands of topics by the top Christian ministries. It is FREE for the Desert Springs […]
Fourth of July

Men’s Ministry Season Ending Breakfast

For more information contact Al Hurt, 858-334-8453
73rd National Day of Prayer

Worship in the Park

Shine! Kids & Family Luncheon

For more information, contact Pastor Lorraine: [email protected].
Messiah in the Passover

Sh’ma Yisrael Messianic Ministry invites you to attend a Messianic Seder, “Messiah in the Passover”. A Messianic Seder takes the elements of a traditional Jewish Passover Seder meal and re-interprets them in view of Jesus’s life and death. The Seder takes place on Friday, April 26th at 5:00 pm at Desert Springs Church. Cost is […]